You make an appt for whatever and then end up waiting an hour or two anywaya. Wtf is the point of the appt in the first place if it doesnt mean shit?! And pharmacies, whydoes ittake these cock suckers an hour to take ten pills from one box and put it in another for you when the damn place is empty?!
You make an appt for whatever and then end up waiting an hour or two anywaya. Wtf is the point of the appt in the first place if it doesnt mean shit?! And pharmacies, whydoes ittake these cock suckers an hour to take ten pills from one box and put it in another for you when the damn place is empty?!
Fml today
Next time you go to pick up your viagra call it in before so you don't have to wait...
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. -Malcolm X
If Fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of Liberalism. -Ronald Reagan